Weather data is retrieved from Iowa Environmental Mesonet Reanalysis (IEMRE)
IEM provides:
* A regular data set of Iowa Environmental Data.
* Access to hourly and daily interval data.
* Hourly data includes 2 Meter Air Temperature, 10 Meter Wind Speed, and
Direction and Precipitation.
* Daily data includes High and Low 2 Meter Air Temperature and
Data can be accessed through some JSON web services; MultiDay Request, Single Day Request, and Single Day’s Hourly (CDT/CST) Request. Example MultiDay Request. Other request examples are available on the IEMRE page. Multi-year querying is not supported at this time.
Year= 2015
startMonth = 4
EndMonth = 10
CurrentDate <- Sys.Date()-2
StartDates <- list()
EndDates <-list()
EndDay = lubridate::days_in_month(as.Date(paste(EndMonth,"/01/2000",sep="")))
StartMonthCorrect <-format(as.Date(paste(startMonth,"/01/2000",sep=""), "%m/%d/%y"),"%m")
EndMonthCorrect <-format(as.Date(paste(EndMonth,"/01/2000",sep=""), "%m/%d/%y"),"%m")
YearRange = as.numeric(format(CurrentDate,"%Y"))-Year
for(yearVal in 0:YearRange){
StartDate = paste(Year+yearVal,"-",StartMonthCorrect,'-',"01",sep="")
EndDate = paste(Year+yearVal,"-",EndMonthCorrect,"-",EndDay,sep="")
EndDate <- format(Sys.Date()-2,"%Y-%m-%d")
StartDates <-append(StartDates,StartDate)
EndDates <-append(EndDates,EndDate)
Variable | Description |
base_url | Url for IEMRE |
target_request | Which data to access. Ex.”Multiday” – Multiday Request |
End_of_url | Output is a JSON file |
##----lat and lon are retrieved from user input but as an example, lat and lon will be provided here-----
lat <- 42
lon <- -98
base_url <- ""
target_request <- "multiday/"
end_of_url <- "json"
#Create empty list to store url's
url_list <-list()
##----Loop through the start and end dates. First date is the start date, second date is the end date. Dates are paired.-----
##----url format is:
##----Create empty dataframe----
df <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(StartDates)) {
url <- paste0(base_url, target_request, StartDates[i], "/", EndDates[i], "/", lat, "/", lon, "/", end_of_url)
url_list <- c(url_list, url)
data <-
df <- rbind(df,data)
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
#> [1] ""
##----Save data to a csv file----
##----Display first few line of dataset
#> data.mrms_precip_in data.prism_precip_in data.daily_high_f
#> 1 2015-04-01 0.007874016 0 84.992
#> 2 2015-04-02 0.275590551 0 63.104
#> 3 2015-04-03 0.027559055 0 51.512
#> 4 2015-04-04 0.000000000 0 67.442
#> 5 2015-04-05 0.000000000 0 71.924
#> 6 2015-04-06 0.000000000 0 55.112
#> data.12z_high_f data.climate_daily_high_f data.daily_low_f data.12z_low_f
#> 1 79.196 54.1 51.944 34.034
#> 2 83.876 54.5 37.004 38.336
#> 3 62.726 54.8 30.254 28.958
#> 4 52.178 55.1 28.688 26.960
#> 5 68.180 55.5 37.940 29.246
#> 6 74.012 55.8 48.164 38.498
#> data.climate_daily_low_f data.daily_precip_in data.12z_precip_in
#> 1 30.3 0.00000000 0
#> 2 30.6 0.00000000 0
#> 3 30.9 0.00000000 0
#> 4 31.3 0.00000000 0
#> 5 31.6 0.00000000 0
#> 6 31.9 0.03425197 0
#> data.climate_daily_precip_in
#> 1 0.07
#> 2 0.08
#> 3 0.07
#> 4 0.08
#> 5 0.08
#> 6 0.08